Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

Thank you so much for your interest in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives of the North Carolina College Personnel Association (NCCPA).

View the full welcome letter from NCCPA Member at Large for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Brandon Bell


Each day, NCCPA works to provide you with the skills, expertise and resources that will enable the Higher Education professionals of North Carolina to build campuses and cultures where there is no “other”, but rather a community where the multiplicity of identity, ethnicity, culture and struggle connect and strengthen to advantage of our shared experience.

In tandem with the American College Personnel Association (ACPA), NCCPA recognizes the invigorating and enriching nature of equity, diversity and inclusion across all spheres of the lived experience. We welcome you to a professional home and resource community that affirms the dignity of each individual and sees our differences as an asset in creating a more socially just world.

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) function of NCCPA does the following:

  • Consults on EDI issues to faculty, staff, students
  • Initiates EDI dialogues with diverse constituent groups within the state of North Carolina
  • Collaborates with EDI stakeholders across the state of North Carolina
  • Organizes NCCPA EDI speaker series, conferences & symposia
  • Directs the Equity and Inclusion Fellows Program
  • Identifies ways to increase EDI in across all of NCCPA



Volunteer to serve on the NCCPA Task Force on Equity and Inclusion

Members of the NCCPA Equity Diversity and Inclusion Task Force support the Member at Large for Equity and Inclusion in assessing, evaluating and implementing equity, diversity and inclusion practice and functions in the North Carolina state chapter of ACPA. Application & Information

Serve in the inaugural cohort of NCCPA Equity and Inclusion Fellowship Program

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fellows are a collection of students, faculty and staff working together to research, evaluate, assess and make recommendations in regards to pressing issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion within the system of North Carolina Higher Education

The inaugural 2017 – 2018 cohort of the EDI Fellowship Program have the opportunity to engage in applied work around one of the following three themes:

  1. Promising practices of Campus response, policy and procedure regarding incidents of bias, prejudice and discrimination
  2. Equity, diversity and inclusion in university curriculum and faculty skill building
  3. Supporting diverse student organization and institution at predominately white colleges and universities
  4. Learn more about the Fellowship Program

Join the NCCPA EDI Speakers Bureau

The NCCPA EDI Speakers Bureau seeks to recognize and connect higher education professionals who are subject matter experts across the various functional areas of the profession with an emphasis on equity and inclusion. In volunteering to be a part of the bureau you are helping to accelerate the development of student affairs professionals and varied learners, alike. Speakers Bureau Information

Make suggestions!

Your feedback is integral in the delivery of relevant and impactful resources. Once the task force is formed, a EDI survey will be sent to you that will seek to comprehensively address your professional development needs around equity, diversity and inclusion. In the meantime, feel free to email me, Mr. Brandon Gregory Bell, at bellb@uncw.edu with any feedback you may have or leave comments and suggestions here. Please allow three to five business days for a response.

Given the current sociopolitical climate of our nation and greater global community there is no better time to get involved with NCCPA and our work in regards to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion programming. On behalf of the NCCPA Executive Board and greater professional community, we welcome you join us in engaging this very important work.